Beach Games Galore: Cornhole on the Beach

Beach Games Galore: Cornhole on the Beach

Beach Games Galore: Cornhole on the Beach

Do you love games? ‘Cause I do!

Another thing I love doing is going to the beach, so being able to do both is a treat in itself.

A group of friends at the beach on the weekend? A game it is!

This featured game is called “corn hole”, a very popular game where players take turns in getting bean bags on the board or through the hole to score points.

Our bags aren’t just filled with corn or beans; they’re also loaded with a lot of expectations of fun and excitement!

Aiming the bags at the board or at the hole requires good eyesight and muscular control, but that really doesn’t matter when all you’re doing is having fun.

Fun. That’s the point of these games, isn’t it? Building a fun memory that will last for the rest of our lives.

And with us enjoying one of our favorite games, we’ll certainly cherish moments like this for years to come.

Corn Hole anyone?!?

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Beach Games Galore: Cornhole on the Beach Diagram