Lighthouse Garden: Portland Head Light

Lighthouse Garden: Portland Head Light

Lighthouse Garden: Portland Head Light

Imagine walking along a ridge lined with beautiful flowers, and at the end of the ridge, a magnificent lighthouse presents itself.

I can still remember the fragrance of the blooming carpet of pink and yellow that override your senses, putting you in a blissful state of calm and rest.

Then, you look ahead.

At a distance, you find the clouds rearranging themselves in a wavy, stratus-like formation, giving the lighthouse that perfect background.

As you approach the lighthouse, you get that sense of awe as the tall structure seems to move and tower over you.

The skies then start to darken, and raindrops start to fall. You enter the lighthouse to take cover, and as you climb up to the tower’s beacon, you are greeted by the view of the sea and the rocks below. You begin to comprehend how crucial lighthouses are to the passing ships that come across the bay.

The day almost ends, and suddenly you are transported out of your trance as you find yourself back in your kitchen, staring at a wall hanging of this image of harmony between the soft pretty flowers in front of the lighthouse and the brewing storm on the waters beyond it.

Portland Head Light in Maine is beautiful on this summer day.

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Lighthouse Garden: Portland Head Light Diagram