Nature’s Playground: Haleakala National Park Volcano

Nature’s Playground: Haleakala National Park Volcano

Nature’s Playground: Haleakala National Park Volcano

“Am I on another planet?” I thought to myself as I gazed at this vast, majestic mountainside that was arrayed with different colors.

I wasn’t dreaming, nor was I on another planet.

This shot was taken from the top of Haleakala National Park, and the views are breathtaking and one-of-a-kind!

Haleakala National Park was named after the dormant (thankfully) volcano that rests within the park’s borders, which is why the whole area is dotted with numerous volcanic features, including large cinder cones.

If you’re in for an experience, you can access the crater via two main trails.

One of the most memorable parts of our visit was hearing the legend of how the demigod Maui (which the island is named after) lassoed the sun from the sky when he stood on the volcano’s summit. No wonder the days here lasted longer!

But joking aside, Haleakala is truly a beautiful National Park. There’s just so much to see and enjoy.

I was thrilled to be able to try to capture a tiny part of the beauty of Haleakala in this image.

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Nature’s Playground: Haleakala National Park Volcano Diagram